The salon has booked in over 100 frontline workers for free treatments.

George’s Hairdressing has been inspiring the ladies and gents of Leicestershire for almost 40 years across its two salons located on Allandale Road and Oadby.
During lockdown however, those who work at the salon were the ones who became inspired by all of the hard work demonstrated by NHS staff and frontline workers across the country.
From this, the salon started the Glamsformation campaign to recognise the efforts of some of the inspirational NHS and frontline workers across Leicestershire the best way they can – with a free session in the salon, giving opportunity for people who have gone above and beyond in recent months to have their story heard.
Salon Director Katie commented: "The NHS and frontline workers of Leicestershire have continuously inspired us, not just during lockdown, but over the years. We want to say a big thank you to them and this felt like the perfect way for us to start."

The Glamsformation Campaign took place on the George’s Hairdressing website during lockdown, where friends and family of NHS and frontline workers could share stories and nominate them for a salon session and win a cut, blow-dry and style with a complimentary glass of bubbly – all for free.
The campaign was originally meant to treat one lucky winner but Salon Director, Katie Katon, found the task of only choosing one person to be impossible and has decided to treat all 100+ nominees.
Katie added: “Lockdown has been hard for many, but we’ve been very fortunate to have been able to furlough all of our staff and see the full team return to our salons. It’s been hard work reopening, especially with the local lockdown changing our original opening date, but it’s been nowhere near as hard for us as it has been for our NHS and Front-Line workers.
As hairdressers, we get to hear all kinds of inspiring stories from nurses, doctors, carers and more every day – so it will be a great feeling to give back to them in the best way we can.”