Day Therapy staff hope to raise £1,800 to better equip patient entertainment care.

Inspired by the Run Leicester Half Marathon, LOROS Day Therapy patients and staff are challenging themselves to complete ten marathons before the end of October.
The team hope to raise a minimum of £1,800 for their efforts in order to buy a large smart TV which will enable them to enhance their services with new, interactive activities.
Currently, the Day Therapy room is fitted with a small, non-smart television, which some patients with poor eyesight struggle to see.
The team hope to use the new TV to introduce games such as Pictionary, Wii Sports and interactive quizzes, which all patients will be able to take part in from the comfort of their chairs, regardless of mobility.
Day Therapy Healthcare Assistant, Julie Roberts, had the fundraising idea after hearing about the Leicester Half Marathon, taking place on Saturday, October 31.
She said: “We have completed various challenges with our patients and they always really enjoy working together towards a collective goal.
“The new smart TV would be a real asset to the Day Therapy room. A large part of the service we provide is giving patients respite from their conditions and games are a huge part of this.
“Technological advancements have huge potential for enhancing care, especially for those with reduced mobility or poor eyesight, and we know our patients would love to explore some of the fun games available on a smart TV.”
Each patient and staff member is currently being fitted with a pedometer on arrival so that their steps can be counted towards the total.
Those using wheelchairs are also able to take part with the help of the team, and together, they are well on their way to their target of 262 miles.
Julie continued: “We’ve had some really good weather recently and it’s definitely given us the incentive to get out and enjoy the lovely Hospice gardens. I think the patients have really enjoyed it too – it’s given them a lovely sense of achievement.”
As well as racking up steps, patients are taking sponsorship forms home in the hope of contributing to the £1,800 target with donations from friends and family.
Julie said: “We had one lady whose Granddaughter took her sponsorship form to school, and we were so touched when her friends contributed their pocket money to our total. Whether it’s 10p or £10, every little really does count!”
If you’d like to help the Day Therapy patients and staff meet their goal, donations can be made on their JustGiving Page.
Written by Siddiqa Reininghaus

Siddiqa is a Feature Writer for Niche Magazine and Cross Productions with experience of working as a journalist and copywriter. She enjoys going to the gym, cooking, and binge-watching Netflix series.